Ikigai Dojo fully recognises the need to make optimal provision for the safeguarding and wellbeing of children and young persons, that participate in the Okinawa karate (either as a self-defence art or sport environment).
We take this responsibility very seriously and insure the highest level of standards are maintained through robust training with our mother organisation The Safety Box.
It is important to us that all children and young people participating within the sport of karate and ju-jitsu are free from abuse, harm, violence or neglect.
Safeguarding means protecting children from abuse, and identifying and stopping abuse that might already be happening.
Abuse of a child or young person under the age of 18 is defined as follows.
- Abuse is a deliberate act of ill-treatment that can harm or is likely to harm a child or young person’s safety, well-being and development. Abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional.
- Neglect of a child or young person also constitutes abuse and can be defined as failing to provide or secure for a child or young person the basic needs of physical safety and well-being.